The lack of enforcement of anti-clerical laws by Diaz can also be attributed to the profound influence of his wife who was a devout Catholic.
She was prevented from doing so, however, by anti-clerical laws then in effect.
Soon after this, on 7 July 1904, the French government passed an anti-clerical law suppressing all teaching Orders in France.
A final burst of refugees occurred in the early 1870s as a result of anti-clerical laws.
October 21: An anti-clerical law passed, priests and supporters liable to death on sight.
He continued other reforms pushed by his predecessor, such as land reform and anti-clerical laws to prevent the Catholic Church from influencing the state.
Under the anti-clerical laws promulgated in the early 20th century, the Spanish government took over the school and expelled the Sisters.
Calles applied anti-clerical laws throughout the country and added his own anti-clerical legislation.
The anti-clerical laws of Napoleon saw the Passionist house suppressed and its members dispersed.
She had just led her new monastic community from Paris, due to the anti-clerical laws enacted in France at the time.