In San Francisco recently, they were met by an anti-Communist demonstration against them.
But diplomats discounted reports of anti-Communist demonstrations there.
They had ordered the unlawful arrest of many demonstrators during anti-communist demonstrations in 1988 and 1989.
Starting in 1945, participants at anti-communist demonstrations were arrested, while category-based arrests began in 1948.
Students had played a key role in the anti-communist demonstrations of 1945-46.
The celebrations were officially canceled shortly before May 3 in 1946, and the anti-communist demonstrations took place later that day.
I would have been caught in an anti-Communist demonstration.
It was the first known anti-Communist demonstration by students in Albania.
Some went over to stay, while others began openly joining the anti-Communist demonstrations at home.
The anti-Communist demonstrations that began over the weekend led to clashes with the police that left 2 dead and more than 80 hurt.