Furthermore, he worked as Director of an anti-communist organization, the British Institute for Political Research.
The agency stepped up its support for various anti-Communist insurgent organizations in developing countries, organizations that were close to his heart.
He soon became involved with the paramilitary anti-communist organization known as the Freikorps, which was the conservative and nationalist reply to the German Revolution.
The official declaration that anti-Communist organizations are subversive, and subsequent legal action to suppress them.
McCarthyism was supported by a variety of groups, including the American Legion and various other anti-communist organizations.
Kourdakov's death stirred up much controversy among Christian anti-communist organizations and elsewhere.
Established as an anti-Communist paramilitary organization, Arena has repeatedly been linked to some of the country's most brutal human rights abuses.
Former Tsarist officers maintained numerous relations with Belgian anti-communist organisations.
Right, anti-communist organization in Guatemala, which had been active since late 1953.
In 1953, Hartnett started Aware, Inc., an anti-Communist organization with its own bulletin focused on the entertainment industry.