South Korea's movement away from anti-communist foreign policy to improve relations with nearby communist countries resulted in a deterioration of relations with Taiwan.
The incident sparked a four-year period of anti-communist policies and attitudes which came to be known as McCarthyism.
Mr. Helms has used his position to attack the State Department and demand tough anti-Communist policies, positions out of step with many committee members.
He followed a pro-West, anti-Communist foreign policy much to the ire of the Soviet Union.
Those who supported the anti-Communist policies of the United States see today's Central America as a vindication of their efforts.
In this position he tried to adopt strong anti-Communist policies modelled on those of the George Papandreou Greek government.
He added that the Democrats had abandoned their past support for a vigorously anti-Communist foreign policy.
Another reason for this anti-communist policy was that many Ba'ath Party members openly sympathised with communists or other socialist forces.
South Vietnam, while it existed, recognised the Republic of China, due to the two countries' common anti-communist policies.
Malaya had a strong anti-communist policy.