Pastrana persuaded her to endorse him, and she campaigned for him under the agreement of an anti-corruption electoral reform to be adopted during his presidential term.
Next month, the committee is expected to vote on a raft of anti-corruption reforms at its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland.
But that success has now pushed a new international and social agenda to the fore, an agenda that would benefit mightily from political competition and anti-corruption reforms.
And the International Monetary Fund has made "tackling corruption" an economic priority, authorizing its managing director, Michel Camdessus, to press for anti-corruption reforms in borrowing countries.
Even before Mr. Hosokawa's declaration, however, the political rebellion threatened many of the economic and anti-corruption reforms at the center of Japan's slow-burning political revolution.
The CSD has pioneered in several areas traditionally perceived as inviolable public property, such as anti-corruption institutional reform and national security.
Garvin became identified with anti-corruption reform, and was widely quoted on the subject.
Croatia completed EU entry talks last month, after its vigorous anti-corruption reforms softened the bloc's reluctance to expand, and hopes to become a member in mid-2013.
In Galveston, civic leaders undertook anti-corruption reforms that became a model for cities elsewhere.
The Centers focus on promoting and supporting civil society, interethnic relations, network building, anti-corruption reform, family mediation and youth and women's leadership in their home countries.