Crime: Vote on passage of a $30.2 billion anti-crime package.
Those measures are in the Administration's anti-crime package before Congress.
The measure, the sixth in a Republican anti-crime package, is likely to win House approval later this week.
A test for Democrats in Congress is whether, after years of failed efforts, they can pass a strong anti-crime package this year.
The full House is to consider the new anti-crime package on the floor next week.
The votes today were on the fourth and fifth measures in the Republicans' six-part overhaul of the $30 billion anti-crime package passed last year.
The request was rejected by the city's negotiating team, putting the anti-crime package at serious risk as meetings continued into the night.
The final stumbling block is the House, which has yet to have its full say on the anti-crime package.
The Senate could eliminate money for the 100,000 police officers but send the President an otherwise tough anti-crime package in a single bill.
A1 The Senate's anti-crime package is its first order of business after the holiday.