But he added that the government would end anti-crisis measures only after GDP grew for several consecutive quarters.
Overall, 1.5 trillion roubles ($45bn) will be allocated for anti-crisis measures this year.
According to the World Bank, some of this is due to large-scale anti-crisis measures that the government has taken.
The most efficient anti-crisis measure executed by the Russian government was the introduction of a car scrappage scheme in March 2010.
Instead of launching the reforms, the government and the Presidency had to focus their efforts on anti-crisis measures and handling the foreign policy implications of the war.
As a result of the government's anti-crisis measures, its ownership in leading companies will certainly increase.
This is firstly because a sum of money does not constitute an anti-crisis measure if it is not drawn down in 2009-2010.
Does the European Commission, when taking anti-crisis measures, take these into account?
We should also consider the introduction of a compensation fund which would fund anti-crisis measures in such situations.
And it has to be recognised that the anti-crisis measures are ineffective because they dissipate social rights.