In 1999, the school board approved expanding the district's anti-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation.
Aggressive anti-discrimination policies in employment and education may help.
This raised concerns in regards to the university's anti-discrimination policy.
Their anti-discrimination policy includes numerous categories, including race, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
But Emory's anti-discrimination policies are equally clear and pose a direct conflict with the church.
This Commission will give civil rights and anti-discrimination policy top priority.
Finally, there is a need for proper anti-discrimination policy if women are to be given full access to education and the labour market.
In the past, we have adopted several resolutions on that problem, including protection of minorities and anti-discrimination policies.
It is a paradox, but as anti-discrimination policy becomes an ideology, people begin to discriminate.
Rutgers says the fellowship is subject to the university's anti-discrimination policy.