As a result, it said, the anti-doping code "must be enforced without compromise."
The IPC have been working with the World Anti-Doping Agency since 2003, to ensure compliance with WADA's anti-doping code among its Paralympic athletes.
During the 2007 season he was suspended for six games due to alleged infringement of the anti-doping code by intravenous therapy with saline solution and vitamin B1, due to dehydration and inability to take fluids orally.
The list applies to all sports and all countries covered by W.A.D.A.'s global anti-doping code.
It finds, in balancing the interests of Miss Raducan with the commitment of the Olympic movement to drug-free sport, the anti-doping code must be enforced without compromise.
The current anti-doping code revised the "Whereabouts" system in place since 2004, now requiring athletes to select one hour per day, seven days a week to be available for no-notice drugs tests.
However, the policy contradicts Wada's global anti-doping code.
WADA, The World Anti-doping Agency, introduces a standardised anti-doping code for all sports.
He was the first person to be charged under the AFL's anti-doping code with recreational drug.
Maybe what Pound has put in place - WADA, the anti-doping code, the long list of banned substances - will hold for only another decade or two.