The Bush Administration has proposed spending $11.65 billion on anti-drug activities for next year, up 11 percent from current spending.
He is the man President Bush named as this country's first coordinator of the anti-drug activities spread out among more than a dozen Federal agencies.
It took no notice of Mr. Barry's request for $102 million in aid for a broad range of anti-drug activities.
Expansion Quickly Approved The Congressional action this year followed an unusually swift consideration of proposals to expand the military's role in anti-drug activities.
The most significant increases, earmarked for anti-drug activities, were announced last week as part of President Bush's new plan to combat drug trafficking.
Select National Guard forces, including helicopter units and military police detachments, will be used increasingly this year in anti-drug activities.
In the same legislation that earmarked the $40 million for this assistance role, Congress expanded the formal mission of the Guard to include anti-drug activities.
The Commission has also become deeply involved in anti-drug activities outside Europe's borders.
The regional concerns will be brought together in CIA transnational anti-crime and anti-drug activities.
Private U.S. corporations have signed contracts to carry out anti-drug activities as part of Plan Colombia.