A3 Drug smuggling routes in Canada are being opened by cocaine traffickers deterred by the aggressive anti-drug measures in the Caribbean and southeastern United States.
The anti-drug measure was attached to a $299.6 billion bill defining the scope of military programs for the coming fiscal year.
Approval of the anti-drug measure, along with expected adoption of the tax cuts, "does change the mix," he said tonight.
That and the anti-drug measure approved tonight give Republicans the opportunity to argue that they have turned the legislation into one that fits Republican principles.
The Senate bill budgets $2.6 billion in increased spending on anti-drug measures over this year's level of $3.5 billion.
"It would be a tragedy for the President to veto this bill," said Senator Brock Adams, Democrat of Washington, citing the array of anti-drug measures in the bill.
The House last month passed a hodgepodge of anti-drug measures that only sound tough.
Mr. Garcia has proposed a stringent anti-drug measure, using the armed forces to interdict drugs at the borders.
The statement on drugs was greeted with skepticism among some delegates to the summit, who recalled that anti-drug measures approved at previous summits failed to curb the narcotics trade.
However, we have a duty in our anti-drug measures not to give in to the permissiveness that so far has only caused an increase in dependence.