And they say the Bush Administration's new anti-drug policy does not provide enough money for such research.
Now President Clinton has cut the staff of the coordinator of anti-drug policy, once laughingly known as the drug czar, to about 25 from 146.
This has been affected by results every year, in no small part because of New York's anti-drug policy.
Present anti-drug policies are so muddled that America cannot answer so clear a question.
His primary issues were street and water safety, though he also emphasized anti-drug policies.
On January 11, 2008, Harrison received a five-game suspension for violating the league's anti-drug policy.
She had the sign taken down and Frederick suspended for violating the school's anti-drug policies.
The measure would help carry out Mr. Bush's anti-drug policy, made public last month.
But Tarpley will not be banned from the league under its anti-drug policy, which only applies to the use of cocaine or heroin.
Extradition has been a main component of American anti-drug policy here.