International news sources suggested the bid failed partly due to anti-foreign sentiment in the Duma, Russia's lower parliamentary house.
However, anti-foreign sentiment never faded away and arose once again at the turn of the century, culminating in the Boxer Rebellion.
With the increase in new immigrants in the city, native Louisville residents felt threatened by change, and began to express anti-foreign, anti-Catholic sentiments.
By 1688 anti-foreign sentiments, mainly directed at the French and Phaulkon, were reaching their zenith.
The rise of anti-foreign sentiment nonetheless led to several attacks on foreigners in the following months.
It stressed the need for modernization, economic development and rational planning and organization, while opposing extreme nationalism and anti-foreign sentiment.
While most Bosnian citizens appreciate the assistance of the international community, you might occasionally encounter anti-foreign sentiment.
Almost every country has a burgeoning far-right party circulating anti-Semitic tracts and whipping up anti-foreign sentiment.
Symbols of a foreign faith, rising in German cities, they are stoking anti-foreign sentiment and reinforcing fears that Christianity is under threat.
Polls also find no rise in broad-based anti-foreign sentiment.