The pro-nationalist, anti-immigrant party last won a council seat nearly a decade ago, and held onto it for just a year.
One reason for the shift is that conservative parties are winning power and anti-immigrant parties have gained support.
Other European anti-immigrant parties have sought to align their quest to restrict immigration with the politics of indigeneity.
But there is no anti-immigrant political party in America, not even the constituency for one.
So far, no militant anti-immigrant parties have taken root here, and while racial attacks are increasing, they remain relatively rare.
The biggest anti-immigrant party, the National Front, has taken root in France.
In Austria too, two anti-immigrant far-Right parties took an unprecedented 17.7 per cent of the vote.
This time the anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, were formed first.
In Austria, two anti-immigrant parties won an unprecedented 17.7 per cent.
India has anti-Immigrant parties at the state level.