Hows that anti-immigration policy going to work out when they start cutting funds to NHS facilities to drive away immigrants but hits the local white working class.
The Freedom Party uses the attack as an opportunity to promote their anti-immigration policy and for hard-line justice.
The platform of the Know-Nothing Party ignored the slavery issue in favor of anti-immigration policies.
In 2001, the Monday Club's links with the Conservative Party were suspended because of its anti-immigration policies, which nevertheless had not changed for decades.
A lot of manpower has been invested in these areas to create the illusion of an aggressive anti-immigration policy.
Many of the banners carried by demonstrations were specifically aimed at the anti-immigration policies advocated by the National Front.
Terrorist threat as a predictor of out-group discrimination and support for anti-immigration policies - Evidence from 9 European countries.
Have an anti-immigration policy, by all means, but be honest about it.
The European Return Fund is yet another step towards promoting the anti-immigration policy of the ΕU.
The Mexican produce laborers would soon have to deal with job competition, as well as anti-immigration policies.