It holds that economic growth comes from an anti-inflation policy.
Perhaps they can say that they haven't abandoned their anti-inflation policy, but may have to take a holiday from it.
Then the cost of the anti-inflation policy will have been temporary unemployment.
The right hon. Gentleman mentioned the independent central bank, which I believe is part of the long-term anti-inflation policy.
Slovenia's traditional anti-inflation policy relied heavily on capital inflow restrictions.
Above all, the Federal Reserve could drive down the dollar's value by relaxing its anti-inflation policy.
What Tuesday's decision does not mean is that the Fed has abandoned its anti-inflation policy.
EMU, the single currency and a permanent anti-inflation policy make it more difficult to increase employment.
This model will be put to work in Chapter 7 where anti-inflation and anti-unemployment policies are discussed.
It is this model which is used in Chapter 7 to discuss anti-inflation and anti-unemployment policies.