Gandhi declared inflation the gravest of problems in 1974 (at 25.2%) and devised a severe anti-inflation program.
Indeed, Peronist leaders, who draw heavily on labor union support, said they did not back the anti-inflation program.
In mid-1977 the shah launched an anti-inflation program.
Poland, one year after starting a strict anti-inflation programme, is said to be a particularly terrible place.
The anti-inflation programme focussed on controlling nominal wages and salaries.
The 500-day plan included a draconian anti-inflation program that has now, he said, been rendered obsolete.
Indeed, many economists agree that the process, loosely modeled on the successful anti-inflation program of Argentina, might finally bring price stability.
The attempt to do this lies behind Brazil's and Argentina's latest anti-inflation programmes.
The anti-inflation programmes failed because they hardly cut government spending.
In a test of wills, the oil workers had threatened to derail the nation's anti-inflation program.