In interviews with Boosaaso journalists, he has done his best to woo locals into co-operating in the anti-piracy efforts.
Until now, most of the industry's anti-piracy efforts have involved filing lawsuits against companies and individuals that distribute pirated music.
Mr. Papovich, the assistant trade representative, maintains that long after President Clinton departs, anti-piracy efforts will continue.
But now their keen noses are being put to use in a wider variety of areas, like medicine, environmental protection and anti-piracy efforts.
Since June 30, 2010, the site has been unavailable, as a result of a multinational anti-piracy effort led by the US federal government.
During his tenure, Glickman focused on tax issues and anti-piracy efforts.
The voluntary anti-piracy efforts Google has already undertaken do not appear to have bought the search giant any goodwill from major copyright holders.
By Friday some independent subsidiaries, including Sony Pictures Classics and United Artists, had not signed on to the academy's anti-piracy effort.
The Norwegian government had been criticized for not being part of the anti-piracy effort and had no military presence in the area at the time.
And even though no one accused him of being a laggard, Scott wanted to make clear he was no "Johnny-come-lately" on anti-piracy efforts.