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Dirksen's main motive for reporting that Britain would do nothing in the event of German aggression against Poland was his very strongly held anti-Polish feelings.
To this he added the gratuitous warning to Jews not to "spread anti-Polish feeling" by using their "power" in mass media "that are easily at your disposal."
Let them not serve to spread anti-Polish feeling.
The contending factions were opposed and his plan aroused the anti-Catholic and anti-Polish feelings in Russia.
The reason for this difference, in Hillgruber's opinion, was the rampant anti-Polish feelings in the German Army.
Providing an extreme example of cart before horse, he said, "When there is no more anti-Polish feeling, there will be no more anti-Semitism among us."
In inter-war Germany, anti-Polish feelings ran high.
This experience left Rimša with strong anti-Polish feelings, which were often reflected in his medals.
Pomerania in particular was rapidly approaching hysterical anti-Polish feeling.