Later, the church agreed to donate a fixed percentage of its annual income to anti-poverty efforts.
While Congress has turned the Federal program into one of the nation's largest anti-poverty efforts, few people have asked what the poor do with the money.
Geldof is widely recognised for his activism, especially anti-poverty efforts concerning Africa.
Instead, anti-poverty efforts in general are derided and the mere mention of welfare makes many Americans apoplectic.
In the medical model of pediatrics, physicians are typically divorced from community groups and anti-poverty efforts.
An anthropological study of the Dublin program examined the community development program in the context of anti-poverty efforts.
This new model was based on the philosophy that legal services should be a component of an overall anti-poverty effort.
These market-oriented anti-poverty efforts have had considerable success in China.
And it is almost wholly an unintended one - a rich new financing stream for anti-poverty efforts created by the most conservative Congress in a generation.
But President Clinton and his allies then quietly embarked on the most energetic anti-poverty effort in a generation.