Aircraft ordnance also includes air-to-air, anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons.
The forward machine gun was retained, with its flash protection, probably as an anti-ship weapon.
Arguments erupted in the design definition stage over such issues as the choice of a primary anti-ship weapon.
Single random anti-ship weapon on its vertical axis.
You should also know that the SA- N-6 is a very devastating anti-ship weapon, too.
The increasing use of missiles means less attention is paid to pure anti-ship weapons.
The torpedo is no longer an important anti-ship weapon in the PLAN.
Unlike the Lampreys, which only had one face with an anti-ship weapon, the command dodecahedrons sported a mix of heavy and "light" weapons.
It was used as an anti-ship weapon.
Air-to-surface guided bomb with a heat-seeking guidance system primarily designed as an anti-ship weapon.