Mullowny chose Philadelphia because of the city's strong anti-slavery sentiments.
At home Leopold found it embarrassing to be allied with Tip because of anti-slavery sentiment.
Her sermons also included her free produce and anti-slavery sentiments.
From a very young age, Lincoln was exposed to anti-slavery sentiment.
These anti-slavery sentiments were popular amongst both white abolitionists and African-American slaves.
In some communities of immigrant settlers, such as the Germans, anti-slavery sentiment was dominant.
Eighteen months later she closed the school, but the incident helped solidify anti-slavery sentiment.
The early party members quickly identified their shared anti-slavery sentiment which further differentiated them from the older parties based on the East Coast.
In a broader sense, the Burns case fueled anti-slavery sentiments all across the North.
This was likely due to the strong anti-slavery sentiment that prevailed in East Tennessee at the time.