If the deal is approved, the money should be dedicated to anti-smoking programs and other health uses.
The President would spend the money on anti-smoking programs and health research but also on such unrelated areas as child care and education.
The money would go to anti-smoking programs and other public health activities.
Walkout Under the settlement, the cigarette makers agreed to pay $368.5 billion over 25 years to finance health research and anti-smoking programs.
The clinics closed even as state spending on anti-smoking programs rose to $11 million from $10 million.
Nevertheless, smoking is still widespread in Indonesia because anti-smoking programs are in an early stage of implementation across the nation.
Grothman opposed a bill that would increase funding for anti-smoking programs from $10 to $30 million.
We can contribute even more to America's health than the mandatory health education and anti-smoking programs of the 1990s.
It can pay for anti-smoking programs while not supporting the opposite viewpoint, he said.
The new money would help counties expand children's and family services, as well as pay for more anti-smoking programs.