These vessels are primarily designed for anti-smuggling operations, anti-terrorist deployment, fisheries protection and search and rescue operations.
As captain of the Lord Howe he carried out anti-smuggling operations until July 1789.
Gould spent 13 months aboard the Pylades, during which time he was active in anti-smuggling operations.
Ultimately, the evaluation demonstrated that she showed promise in both anti-smuggling operations and as a rapid response search and rescue vessel.
ROP maintains a fleet of support helicopters which perform a host of functions from fire-fighting to ambulance services to thermal imagery in anti-smuggling operations.
Legalization would certainly put the drug kingpins out of work, and cut down on the costs of anti-smuggling operations.
During peacetime this force is also responsible for anti-smuggling operations, investigating cross border crime and extending governmental authority to remote and isolated areas.
He spent several years in China's Fujian and Guangxi province after being captured by the Chinese authorities in an anti-smuggling operation.
She is deployed to support operations off the Bangladeshi coast, such as anti-piracy and anti-smuggling operations, as well as search and rescue deployments.
Despite this, Syria moved 10,000 special-forces troops to the Lebanese border last week, ostensibly for an anti-smuggling operation.