In these sense, homosexuality is no different from any other anti-social or anti-halakhic act ...
An individual who scores low on the Honesty-Humility factor may have a proclivity for anti-social acts.
Often we will be involved in anti-social acts such as terrorism.
Failure to support the war was an anti-social act; this propaganda managed to bring arms production to a peak in 1944.
It may be that someone is more likely to commit an anti-social act when under stress.
Unfortunately, a junior doctor (Meenakshi) manages to stumble upon their anti-social act.
John Major will need to do more than provide a discreet crossing from worthy words to anti-social acts.
With the balance of generations restored, the voluntary ending of human life could be recognized once more as an anti-social act.
I wonder how far this necessity explains many criminal and anti-social acts.