Already in October 1944, România Liberă and Scînteia demanded for him to be excluded from the Writers' Society, noting that he had "written in support of the anti-Soviet war".
According to Manolescu, he may have been the author of a much debated article in Vremea, where, in "Legionary language", he welcomes the anti-Soviet war as a modern-day "Crusade".
The schools were indirectly financed by the United States during the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980's, and the Pakistani government condoned their growth throughout the 1990's.
This situation has caused anger and frustration among Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan, the tiny but well organized minority that enjoyed Western patronage during the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan.
German troops were allowed to enter Romania in October 1940, and in June 1941 Antonescu joined Hitler's anti-Soviet war.
In the contingency of an anti-Soviet war, the PCR even sought an alliance with the maverick Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito-negotiations did not yield a clear result.
Allied actions were portrayed instead as part of an anti-Soviet design to force an unwilling West German population into an aggressive anti-Soviet war.
Mujaheddin who saw the anti-Soviet war as a largely nationalist struggle were sidelined by Zia in favour of the most radical Islamist factions.
It had been a key operational center for his fighters during the anti-Soviet war.
Both were schemers who had come of age on the battlefields of the anti-Soviet war, Ali as a teenager in Tora Bora and Zaman in Jalalabad.