Further, they asked lawmakers to draw up a comprehensive anti-stalking law.
"I'm co-sponsoring a federal anti-stalking law," Abel said.
Schaeffer's death prompted the passage of anti-stalking laws in California.
She has campaigned to make the anti-stalking laws in the state of California more stringent.
He helped write an anti-stalking law and sponsored a bill that required more training for lead homicide investigators on interrogation, to avoid false confessions.
She is known most during her time as attorney general for having written an anti-stalking law that became a national blueprint.
Politicians told us that the "anti-stalking" law was to protect women from being attacked in their homes and on the street.
Australian anti-stalking laws have some notable features.
After her daughter's death in 1991, Hazel Show started campaigning for stronger anti-stalking laws in Pennsylvania.
The ad is supposed to call attention to the fact that Mr. Stringer helped pass an anti-stalking law in Albany.