She was later converted to an auxiliary anti-submarine vessel and commissioned on 15 January 1940.
This has been used extensively by military submarines but surface naval vessels like anti-submarine vessels will benefit as well.
She was later converted to an auxiliary anti-submarine vessel and commissioned on 3 July 1941.
She was converted to an anti-submarine vessel in 1939, and a minesweeper in 1942.
These systems were used to good effect during World War II by both submarines and anti-submarine vessels.
After shakedown, Orange began her tour of Pacific duty as a fire support and anti-submarine vessel.
Swiftsure was paid off at Chatham on 26 April to provide crews for anti-submarine vessels.
Seid then stayed clear of the area so as not to interfere with the sonic efficiency of other anti-submarine vessels.
On 11 April 1917, the ship arrived at Chatham where she was paid off and placed in reserve to provide crews for anti-submarine vessels.
This country is in a mess, and that says it all,' said one of three petty officers from the anti-submarine vessel Red Crimea.