As such it might act in mitigation of "weak anti-terrorism policies".
Also, Saudi Arabia has attempted to demonstrate a serious contribution in preventing terrorism and extremism domestically and internationally through new domestic anti-terrorism policies.
He says a "world class development policy" rather than a "shiny new piece of equipment" is the most effective form of anti-terrorism policy.
A1 President Bush staunchly defended his administration's anti-terrorism policies while Senator John Kerry called changes long overdue.
The OLF's anti-terrorism policy on civilians is widely supported and recommended by all Ethiopians.
As you note, this loophole undermines United States anti-terrorism policy.
Japan's anti-terrorism policy can be seen as a part of this broader foreign policy platform, as it stems from these large objectives.
This last objective is new, and ends up being very connected to its anti-terrorism policies.
I also support Mr Aznar' s plea for anti-terrorism policy to be accelerated and Europol to be reinforced.
The extensive reference to the US Department for Homeland Security as an example of a suitable anti-terrorism policy is at best irritating.