In 1984, Lekem was put in touch with Jonathan Pollard, an American citizen, who worked on anti-terrorist activities at the US Naval Investigative Services.
A Republican senator said on Wednesday that 14 Senate committees claimed authority over anti-terrorist activities and that Mr. Ridge had received 41 requests to testify.
The two countries cooperate in anti-terrorist activities in the Middle East and Southern Asia.
That you were a Jew trained by the Mossad in anti-terrorist activities and posted to us in an exchange programme.
Among these were Kenya's support for the allied effort in the Persian Gulf war and the stepping up of anti-terrorist activities.
Swedish Security Service's responsibilities are counter-espionage, anti-terrorist activities, protection of the constitution and protection of sensitive objects and people.
The Ministry of Interior also heads the Border Police Service and the National Gendarmerie, a specialized branch for anti-terrorist activity, crisis management and riot control.
And even those forces in the army that had been trained for emergency situations and contingency situations, for anti-terrorist activities, refused to take actions against the people.
It undermines the principle of solidarity by confusing anti-terrorist activities with economic instruments.
They have to do with things like military cooperation and anti-terrorist activities.