If the anti-tobacco forces don't use that quote in their campaign, they will be making a big mistake.
The tobacco-makers are a deep-pocket target, and the anti-tobacco forces have spent millions of our tax dollars demonizing the industry.
The anti-tobacco forces say the campaign has strong grass-roots support.
Indeed, anti-tobacco forces have known fiercer days.
The composition of the jury has also been hailed by anti-tobacco forces as favoring their side.
Some anti-tobacco forces were disappointed that the accord did not place restrictions on the marketing of cigarettes overseas by American tobacco companies.
However, it was believed that the pressure exerted by the anti-tobacco forces had caused Philip Morris to end their participation in the concert.
After decades of helping to persuade Americans to smoke, agencies are now switching sides to assist the anti-tobacco forces.
In truth, this was a better deal than the anti-tobacco forces originally thought possible.
This could provide the anti-tobacco forces with their most potent ammunition to date.