LePage's sued 3M for anti-trust violations in a case involving 3M's product scotch tape, which 3M had a monopoly over.
The time seemed ripe, with the Justice Department taking a stronger position on anti-trust violations and the economy in decline.
(The Federal Trade Commission is currently considering whether these fees constitute anti-trust violations and require formal regulation.)
The commissioners had not forgotten Paramount's previous anti-trust violations, and believed Paramount executives were attempting to control television by operating two television networks.
The Federal Trade Commission intervened and charged AT&T with anti-trust violations.
Rubin, CDR and others were charged in a federal indictment alleging a bid rigging conspiracy in the municipal bond market and other anti-trust violations.
He was fined $7.5 million (USD) and imprisoned for ten months in 2002 for anti-trust violations.
In 2009, charges of anti-trust violations have been made against major dairy industry players in the United States.
It cannot be by an anti-trust violation when there is a clear choice for the vendor to participate in a voluntary program.
The State Attorney General's office has been investigating the relationship between Time Warner Cable and Metropolitan Life for possible anti-trust violations.