This work has resulted in a large number of vulnerabilities being found in archive file and anti-virus products.
It had the ability to kill most of the firewall and anti-virus products which existed during its time.
The anti-virus component is based on an anti-virus product made by the software vendor Sophos.
Once installed, it blocks access to Windows Update and attempts to disable some anti-virus products.
Fifteen anti-virus products were tested.
After all, the market for anti-virus products is maturing, giving short- sellers a reason to bet against his stock.
First, specific anti-virus products will not really affect this kind of virus, anti-virus analyzing the content will be more efficient.
Certain anti-virus products fake their user-agent to appear to be popular browsers.
Active Virus Shield is light compared to other commercial anti-virus products.
Network Associates issued a denial, fueling speculation as to which anti-virus products might or might not detect government trojans.