The series, published in 1633, is Callot's best-known work and has been called the first "anti-war statement" in European art.
Just look at the photojournalism over the course of the Iraq war for a better and more visually impressive anti-war statement.
Starting with an understanding on the Iraq situation, they drafted an anti-war statement and resolution urging others to join.
Bennett says he did not really consider the movie an anti-war statement:
Instead he saw what he described as "the strongest anti-war statement ever written" and decided to obtain rights to the show.
In 1917, Sassoon rebelled against the conduct of the war by making a public anti-war statement.
Others felt it no longer spoke of patriotism, but rather had become an anti-war statement.
There was no explanation from United States military officials of anti-war statements made by some of the Americans while they were prisoners.
It is a concept project based on collage that makes an anti-war statement through music exchange.
It is meant as an anti-war statement and proved to be controversial with the Sri Lankan government despite critical acclaim.