Most expect Putin's Russia to resume its anti-western policy.
The perceived danger of Gaddafi's anti-western policies and support for terrorism led to the bombing of Libya by United States forces in 1986.
The country has sought in recent years to abandon its anti-Western policies, give up its nuclear weapons program and pay compensation to past victims of its terrorist attacks.
He didn't follow the anti-western policies pursued by many of these leaders, which helped Cameroon achieve a degree of comparative political stability and economic growth.
The name was changed to Megaria during the presidency of Sukarno, who carried out an anti-Western policy.
These anti-imperialist and anti-Western policies, often bordering on brinkmanship, were also designed to provide a common cause to unite the diverse and fractious Indonesian people.
The American decision cited excessive budgets, poor management and anti-western policies as their grounds for resignation.
We have never before heard that the United States or other nations considered the director-general to be "pursuing anti-Western policies."
He has suggested broader financial ties with the West, even if that means Iran must mute its anti-Western foreign policy.
Turkey is increasingly pursuing an anti-European and an anti-Western foreign policy.