For example, testing of monoclonal antibody treatments can not be done in species less similar to humans than chimpanzees.
A number of emerging treatments are under development, including antibody treatments, nuclear receptor proteins, and cell therapy.
Only one of the eight infected patients died, compared to a typical 80% Ebola mortality, which suggested that antibody treatment may contribute to survival.
There is currently a rapid expansion in the use of monoclonal antibody treatments, notably for lymphoma (Rituximab), and breast cancer (Trastuzumab).
About 25 percent of people receiving current antibody treatment against the poison develop such severe allergic reactions to the anti-venom medication that the therapy rivals the bite in danger.
A short, 5-day course of FcR-binding, anti-CD3 antibody treatment was able to re-establish peripheral tolerance in animal models of autoimmune disease, thereby completely reversing disease.
Two days after the reaction began, the child received the antibody treatment.
One disadvantage of antibody treatment is that it is generally only available by injection.
I am not aware of any artificial platelets (although naturally platelets are available) or artificial immune system components other than antibody treatments (mABs).
The company has developed a proprietary technology for topical antibody treatment of various skin conditions.