This argument would have anticipated similar arguments from Paul Samuelson and Paul Krugman.
I was anticipating rudeness and arguments and possible discipline problems, but not danger.
Tomas, his Warder's cloak already packed away in his saddlebags, gave them - and Perrin - a hard-faced stare anyway, as if he anticipated arguments and meant to stamp them out.
In a statement that articulates key elements of early liberalism and anticipates utilitarian arguments, Priestley wrote:
Mr. Morano, the chief state's attorney, said his office had prepared countermotions in advance, anticipating various legal arguments.
He anticipated the difficulties and furnished unanswerable arguments against himself.
I can anticipate arguments against this idea concerning the difficulty of deciding the seriousness of a situation.
Canny prosecutors have to anticipate arguments before a jury about why a defendant's life should be spared.
Anticipating current arguments about the scope of the Patriot Act, Felt and others decided to skip over the Constitution in order to get after the "terrorists."
In this sense, Modernism anticipated postmodernist arguments; it already showed how difficult and perhaps impossible the attempt to re-enchant the world may be.