Airlines anticipated widespread cancellations and delays, with disruptions affecting travel throughout the nation.
"Passengers should anticipate further delays and cancellations in the following days and potentially beyond Christmas Day," said BAA.
Until then, an airport statement warned, no more than a third of flights would operate "and passengers should anticipate further delays and cancellations in the following days - and potentially beyond Christmas Day".
My strongest advice is this: Always get to the airport two hours before departure, and try to plan connecting flights with extra time built in to anticipate at least routine delays.
Mr. Beqaj said Cross Sound, which carried about 1.2 million passengers and 400,000 vehicles last year, did not anticipate delays in the future but would abide by "any new regulations that come down the pike."
Most passengers interviewed said they had anticipated delays, and had left enough time to get to their flights - sometimes three, four or even five hours.
If I lose my time--" "You should have anticipated delays in agreeing to your scheduled run time," he said, another standard phrase.
Families planning this trip should anticipate delays caused not only by the weather but also by repair work on the now middle-aged Interstate system.
When the Senate leadership had called for the "advice and consent" vote, no one anticipated further delays in the ratification process.
It is completely justifiable to include in the 2008 budget unused ERDF, EAFRD and EFF structural funds (totalling EUR 771.6 million), which corresponds with both the wording and the spirit of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 2006, when we anticipated delays in the implementation of the new Financial Perspective.