He has created a world I anticipate returning to with pleasure.
He wishes to be remembered and welcomed all of the many times he anticipates returning.
United anticipates returning to their plan with no real target date for building or opening.
We anticipate returning to the bargaining table to realize a new and improved agreement.
Looking at his watch, he anticipated returning in about four hours with the Kurd.
Stewart said he did not anticipate returning to the other side.
Everyone, everyone, looks as if he or she is anticipating returning home in the bustling dusk to a delicious, festive meal.
Maude devoted much of her time to studies knowing that one day she would travel to Morocco and anticipated never returning to America.
He anticipated returning at some point during this four-game series, but he did not want to speculate when.
I have gone with Handler to procure a car and anticipate returning during the midaftemoon.