In its 16th year, the Foundation anticipates much continued success.
"I anticipate at least partial success within the next several days."
Cowboys fans anticipate great success, and Jones and Johnson are all but predicting it.
He anticipates continuing success in reducing the rolls because the city has yet even to begin using fingerprints to detect fraud.
People who get depressed tend to anticipate success in relationships or activities and, if disappointed, get let down and depressed.
Basically these procedures attempt to teach the individual to talk to themselves in a confident and positive manner which anticipates success in the given task.
He had never anticipated success like this!
An officer who had anticipated success brought out a bottle of Bordeaux and a toast was raised to the King.
'We look forward to launching the product in the near future, and anticipate great success.'
His achievements had already exceeded his highest hopes, and he anticipated equal if not greater success from the great continent.