Many buyers try to work out their anticipated costs on an annual basis.
The plan is expected to account for $102.5 million of the anticipated cost, meaning there would be less debt service for bonds in the future.
The long-run costs referred to the anticipated cost of electricity in the years ahead.
An evening at either location runs about $10,000 to $15,000, based on the Government's anticipated costs.
In addition, the company took a charge of $256 million for the anticipated costs of meeting environmental standards.
Everyone shares in 35 percent of the amount below the anticipated cost of a job.
The latest loss included a one-time charge of $575 million for anticipated costs in the restructuring.
And the Chief has some assets for parts that can probably cut our anticipated costs there.
The anticipated cost, which will be passed along to tenants, is the main reason.
And today's tax rates have been set accordingly to cover the anticipated costs.