Delays in the development of coal mines along route had caused freight traffic and income levels to be below anticipated levels.
Students are also required to take one subject at 'anticipated' level, in which the entire subject course is covered in one year instead of two.
Nineteen other states scattered over every region except the Far West are collecting taxes well below anticipated levels, according to the conference of state legislatures.
And even where tax collections increased, they have remained below anticipated levels.
When corporate taxes were increased, corporate investment and doing business as a corporation became less attractive, so revenues did not reach anticipated levels.
A minimum number of levers may be specified to provide an anticipated level of security (see 5 lever lock).
Although the design was conceptually advanced, it was beset by numerous problems and never approached its anticipated level of performance.
Provisions have been made in previous years for anticipated levels of unpaid Community Charge (poll tax).
The preoccupation with violence was taken to absurd lengths in discussions of why disorder failed to reach its anticipated level.
This has helped in improving the budgetary situation and reducing the anticipated level of inflation.