It includes the anticipated outcomes of your services, indicators of those outcomes, and measurement tools to evaluate the outcomes.
The anticipated outcome would be proportional representation while avoiding the use of party lists, something the Citizen's Assembly felt would be unpopular with British Columbians.
This agreement defined the anticipated outcome of the regional authorities.
Some cases are uncomplicated with a good prognosis while others are difficult to manage with a poor anticipated outcome.
But he gets us to think about how the context of something affects the anticipated outcome.
Events or processes outside of the program may be the real cause of the observed outcome (or the real prevention of the anticipated outcome).
By measuring the actual outcomes and comparing them to the anticipated outcomes, decision-makers are better able to decide if the program should be continued, modified, or dropped altogether.
According to the WP , the anticipated outcome, which is understood to be a foregone conclusion, economic prosperity, and ideological similarities between parties has led to voter apathy.
Such anticipated outcomes were a far cry from the Conservative government's long term objective of a balanced budget.
However, none of this has so far resulted in the anticipated outcome.