This time it didn't lead to the anticipated result.
The order's anticipated result would be returning the right to vote to over 80,000 Iowans.
These conditions existed tonight, but the anticipated result did not transpire.
The choice of treatment is dictated by the anticipated functional and cosmetic results.
The much lower than expected anticipated quarterly results include approximately $81 million in writedowns and provisions for receivables the company no longer expects to collect.
It produced the anticipated result.
The decision came as a result of "its bulkiness, high costs and poor anticipated results on the battlefield."
Purpose or aim: in its most general sense the anticipated result which guides action.
This goes hand-in-hand with research on the human genome, with its anticipated results for health. Secondly, we need to consider terrestrial and maritime transport.
While this process is underway and provided that it produces the anticipated result, Iraq does not represent a threat to anyone.