Speculation at the time held that the vessel materialized inside the iron core, and that the antimatter fuel in the Armstrong drive unit initiated the explosion.
Recent positron research discoveries could yield the first practical method for containing and transporting an antimatter fuel.
We were down to the last whiffs of antimatter fuel when we made orbit here.
No, Professor," Spock said almost instantly, "your ship's antimatter fuel is still on the ground, intact.
Its antimatter fuel vaporized the entire ship and disabled the nearby ship that Atragon had been on.
The lead ship, John Glenn, is crippled by a design flaw en route, and uses all its antimatter fuel to reach the nearest star system, Apollo.
Or in this case, because the protective bubble wasn't adequately charged, it would release some antimatter fuel and blow the ship into oblivion.
Then do a close pass, and use her drive like a stern-chaser, dose them with lethal radiation or dump some excess antimatter fuel off into their path.
When the antimatter fuel explodes, the resulting vapor will blanket Middle Finger in clouds.
The Convocation themselves were involved in all the administrative projects of the empire, from commanding the fleet to simply managing the ring stations and their antimatter fuel.