"It is what gentlemen such as you, who cherish antiquated ideas, call any female whose vocabulary contains more than the three acceptable phrases."
It exhibited important anatomical similarities to birds that helped scientists shed antiquated ideas interpreting dinosaurs as "overgrown lizards".
First, the authors find that evaluating students for their originality is "increasingly unrealistic in our postmodern age" as this method is based on antiquated ideas of creativity.
In 2008, George F. Will called the Capitol building a "tomb for the antiquated idea that the legislative branch matters."
The two men, Neelan and Konamalai, had antiquated ideas about running a rebellion.
It seems an antiquated idea that politicians 'manage' the economy at all.
Some chiropractors have described the disagreements within the profession about the concept, and have written skeptically about BOOP as an antiquated idea.
In these instances, antiquated ideas of individual genius influence how scholars look at issues of attribution, tenure, etc.
Yes, there were many racists in Carroll County in those days, and I am sure there are still some who hang on to those antiquated ideas.
Discreetly stripped of Lawrence's more antiquated ideas, Ms. Ferran's "Chatterley" seems to take its cue from one of his alternate titles for the book: "Tenderness."