Surely such a policy reflects the antiquated view that children are the property of their parents, rather than people in their own right.
However, due to antiquated views of the Ordnance Department the weapons, like its more famous counterpart the Gatling Gun, saw only limited use.
This is a modern health services research unit but you hold an antiquated view of science.
A romanticized and antiquated view of the institution should not impede the development of effective social policies that would support caretaking and caretakers, regardless of family form.
Accordingly, he did not possess anything in the way of an open mind, with isolation on the estate merely compounding his antiquated views and opinions.
"The younger Irish think the older ones have an antiquated view of Ireland," Ms. Philbin said.
His "antiquated views" led to repeated protests on the part of his students and later even to withdrawals, leading among things to the founding of the New Art Group.
The term "flat-Earther" is often used in a derogatory sense to mean anyone who holds ridiculously antiquated views.
The SERC's antiquated view of physics makes it extremely difficult for physicists working in some of these lively fields to obtain consistent support for their research.