Cugel and Nisbet attempted to fill the backlog of orders, and the antique urn in which Nisbet stored his terces filled to overflowing.
Besides, could a lowly leftenant reasonably be expected to be able to distinguish between a 2,000-cycle-old antique urn and a fancy receptacle for the disposal of bodily wastes?
He tore them into fragments and dropped the pieces in a small antique urn that rested on the floor.
During the ceremony where the Suminawa family heirloom, a valuable antique urn, is handed over to Goemon, several black-clad ninja attack the party and attempt to steal the urn.
Inside, the decor is coolly minimal, with a zinc bar and antique urns set in recesses on the all-white walls.
It's all here, from antique Ischian urns and handmade Punchinello dolls to shining armour (knight not included).
Urn Planting Q. I have two gorgeous antique urns that I want to put in front of the windows in our formal dining room.
In one of the Poussins, an antique cinerary urn is given the weight and the presence that Poussin customarily gave in his paintings to souvenirs of the ancient world.
The latest involves the disappearance of an antique urn.
The breeze moved in the poplar trees, and whis- pered around the antique urns and broken stones.