Either way, antiques shows will never be the same again.
These days wind indicators are more often seen indoors - at museums, folk-art galleries, antiques shows and auctions.
She said she has walked up to booths at antiques shows and confronted dealers if she thought they were selling memorial art.
The drill hall, as long as a football field and as high as an aircraft hanger, is the site of antiques shows and black-tie benefits.
Mr. Freedman acquired his expertise on Saturday visits to museums, antiques shows and galleries in New York.
Art for Wine's Sake Exhibiting at some of the world's leading art and antiques shows can have unexpected results.
Here is a sampling of antiques shows and decorative arts exhibitions in New York City.
"I've been a collector for 40 years," she said, and antiques shows are a part of her life: "They're like a treasure hunt."
He ended up going to antiques shows and flea markets, paying as little as $5 and as much as $300 for pictures.
Ms. Engel advises antiques shows are a good place to start.