In its later years, Gândirea routinely hosted fascist-inspired and antisemitic articles, largely reflecting Crainic's own political views.
In early 2011 The Guardian described Shamir as "notorious for Holocaust denial and publishing a string of antisemitic articles."
I'm sure it was not the intention but this reads like a manual on how to write an antisemitic article without appearing to do so.
It is speculated that the real motive was the invitation of Alexander Alekhine, who had written antisemitic articles.
NS had also started gathering information about Jewish Norwegians before the war started, and antisemitic op-ed articles were occasionally published in the mainstream press.
In Pakistan, a country without Jewish communities, antisemitic sentiment fanned by antisemitic articles in the press is widespread.
He specified that the publications he cited were responsible for issuing "defamatory, xenophobic and antisemitic" articles targeting him personally.
She alleged that Groulx had published antisemitic articles under pseudonyms and was an active Fascist sympathizer.
These changes, as well as Die Gartenlaubes expressly antisemitic articles, resulted in readership declines.
In 1942 he resigned from the newspaper because the Germans forced him to publish an antisemitic article.